Thursday, June 28

Nominated and Voted as Bendahari D'Hoteliers,


Just like previous semesters, D'Hoteliers will have AGM (Annual Grand Meeting). usually we will use the badminton court hall to held the meeting, but for this semester all is prepared if the table tennis hall. it was friggin hot plus the noise. but i'll never get tired with AGM because the spirit of Culinarians can never be compared.

Previously 3 days back from the AGM, we (the part5 seniors) organized a mini-induction for the part 1 Culinarians. We prepared some interesting games but since the attendance was not as expected and becaise of the time limit, we decide to play only 2 games, 'Qs VS Qs' and 'telefon buruk'. glad the ones who attend had fun and from there i knew some of the juniors and we will greet everytime we meet. We even told them to wear the culinarian scarf (maroon colour) to show that we are unite while voting!

okay back to the main topic, Ili Balkis, my coursemate called out my name for the treasurer nominations and honestly i dont want it because i've been the treasurer for the dinner (semester3) and it was so hard. they told me to wait out of the hall while all the voting been made. when i re-enter the hall, my name was up. WTH? I composed my self and mind set that these people put their trust on me to handle their money. so yes, i try to put a positive view on this one.


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