Sunday, July 3

@BlockB2011 Thank you so much !


If some of you are wondering who is @BlockB2011, he is one of BlockB member and let me tell you that he is the best dancer to me. He doesn't talk much but like to speak boldly. I love his face expression because you can hardly read them. He was born in 14th December 1990 and originated from Seoul. His hobby is to collect caps and wear them.

From my previous post, I uploaded photos of gifts that kimmy and I bought for Block B. I also custom design stickers for each members and stick them on each envelope according to letters that we wrote for them. Thankfully we got response from @peedeebaby (Cho PD) and the members themselves that our package have safely arrive their dorm.

and thanks to MTV Korea for making a show called 'Match Up' between Block B and B1A4, BBC and I have finally got the chance to see into Block B's dorm. Honestly it was messsyyyyyyyy. well boys, what do you expect? The camera team ambush their dorms while the boys were still asleep. they played Apink's - I Don't Know as the alarm to wake up the boys. B-bomb seemed to be the only one with no conscious of waking up.

when the cameraman zoomed at his bed, guess what I saw?


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