Friday, June 3

[FF] "My name is P.O, let's be friends!"

CHAPTER 1 - Noticed

We were late for class. Kim Jurin, my best friend was waiting at the door when I was packing my stuff for class. after done packing quickly, we ran to block C. our class was on the 2nd floor. It was Mr. Taeguk’s class and he’s a kind of person who take punctuality very serious.

“Mija, ottokkae?” ask Jurin.

“chill chill, just enter the class and say that we were sorry. It was my fault we came late anyways. So I’ll take full responsibility over this,” explained Mija nervously.

“are you serious?” Jurin was worried.

“gwenchana~” Mija pulled Jurin’s hand who was still pale.

We entered the class and saw Mr Taeguk eyeing us. I walked to him leaving Jurin behind.

“sunsaengnim, mianhae. It was my fault that we came in late. I was the one who wake up late and dragged Jurin along since she’s my roommate. I’m truly sorry,”

Mr Taeguk looked me in the eye. I kept my posture. Not making a single move. Then he make a sign that show I have to be out of the class as punishment. I didn’t say anything and just bowed at him. when I walked pass Jurin, Mr Taeguk asked me to bring her along to be punished standing out of the class.

“mianhae Jurin. I didn’t think he would do this to you,”

“its okay Mija, whats friends for right? Hehe”

“are you picking on me?”

“no, I meant it in a good way,”

“ahh I see, HAHA”

We stand out side of the class and looked at the floor. Thank god it was class time. Nobody was walking in the hall. Suddenly we heard a voice from the principal’s office.

“thanks for accepting my son sir, I wouldn’t know what would happen to him if he didn’t enter this school,”

“it’s my pleasure. Should I lead you to his class?”

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t make it. I have a meeting in 15 minutes. Maybe next time I’ll pay him a visit.”

P.O eyed his mom. Making his irritated face by hearing her excuses.

“oh, If that’s the case, I’ll bring him to his class without you,”

“thank you again principal-nim,”

“u’re most welcome,”

After P.O’s mom left, the principal lead him to his class. I can hear their footsteps getting closer and closer. I lowered my face to make sure he didn’t see my face. Jurin was doing the same thing. When the both of them pass by us, the principal gave a low sigh and kept walking. P.O could see the girls face and he giggled. He never thought such pretty girls could do trouble and be punished outside of the class.

“aish, did he saw our face?” asked Mija.

“I think he did, I heard him giggled. Aish, I’m never going to be in this hall standing for some punishment again,”

“Sorry Jurin, and I promised I won’t wake up late anymore,”

To be continued.......


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